Do you want to publish your article on or want to write for us as a guest writer? If so, please check the rules/trans and conditions below:
- The article should be unique.
- The content should be of high quality.
- The content should be related to our website niche.
- The article must be free of grammar and punctuation errors.
- The article length must be between 800-3000 words.
- The article must pass Copyscape. We will not accept spun content.
- The article must pass our review process.
- You have to pay a fee for your article review and publishing.
- The rights to the content will be owned by
- If you are interested to publish your article on our website, please send us an email at themattressesguide [at] gmail [dot] com with your topic and article.
- After receiving your email, we will send you an invoice (through PayPal).
- Once you made the payment, we will review the article. If we have any feedback on your article after review, we will email you with our feedback.
- We will review your article a maximum of 3 times. If you are unable to provide the article as per our feedback, your article will be permanently rejected. We will refund your money after detruncate the review fee if the article does not pass after 3 reviews. We also provide the article writing service, contact us if you need that help.
- If your article passed our review process, we will publish that on our website and send you the link.
Review and publishing fee:
- There are a review and publishing fee $130 USD (30% for review and 70% for publishing).
- For any query, please contact us at themattressesguide [at] gmail [dot] com.